Your Donations Build Dreams


Click above to donate using a Credit or Debit card. We encourage you to make monthly donations.


Click below to donate using your PayPal account. We encourage you to make monthly donations.



Please note that during these difficult times it is important that our volunteers do not have to visit the post office or bank. We request that, if possible, you make your donations online.

Make checks payable to WIKS-USA and mail to:

P.O. Box 200413
New Haven, CT 06520

WIKS-USA, Inc. is a Section 501(c)(3) charity, whose mission is to provide financial and technical support for the housing and education of impoverished children at The Nambale Magnet School in rural Kenya. Your tax deductible donation will go a long way in supporting these efforts.

WIKS-USA Inc. is an all-volunteer organization with minimal overhead. Historically, 98 percent of donations have gone directly to The Nambale Magnet School. We expect to meet or exceed this in the future.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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